Monday, May 25, 2009

What is the opposite of the prodigal son?

Below exchange began after a brief conversation as to what we should do for Mother's Day

JR:Fuckin fonz that slick S.O.B, I forgot he wasn't going to be here.Anyway I have given it some thought and......I got nothin lol. It's noteasy. I was thinkin about taking her out but to iscomplicated. Plus she ain't the only one tu hermanita tambien.

Jhen: Right. Oops. Forgot about Karen..Ok, then we have to do something for both of them.And Paul is a broke- a$$ without a job so you, me, and Juan (if he isallowed to join us) are footing the bill.What should we do? It is going to be nice... maybe we can go somewherewith an outdoor?Or... we can ASK her. Trust me, she has already thought about where andwhat she wants to do..Do you want to be in charge or do you want me to call her now?

JR: Werd up about Paul that broke ass nigga. Of course juan can join us. Con~o chica pero what's wrong wit joo. Ma will b lost witout his spicy jalapeño ass that's one..and 2 you and I r not gonna be the only ones grabbin the bill. Chris will b there and caitlin I think is coming as well. Paul will take care of the tip with whatever change he can find. I guess I can call ma take down some info and feed it to you. I swear everything feels like a mission with this lady.

Jhen: It is. Find out. Call her.

JR: So I spoke to ma but I wasn't able to get any info cause my boss was in the office he told me to get off the phone. He's a fuckin Mandingo. I hate this fuckin platano. Anyway, so when I called ma. I said hola mireya, and this bitch goes bananas on me saying "que eso de mireya? Yo soy una mujer que tu conozes en la calle? Yo no soy tu fOcking mOther?" I'm like yo pero que te pasa chica porque tienes que gritar en el telefono. She's like "pero que eso de mireya, como me tienes que decir" I'm like dam wat is really good. So I tell Her hola ma como estas. She goes "ma nada me tienes que decir mami.." ok como estas mami (basically I just got bitched by my own mother). So she's all giddy now "hola mi chichi mi hijo lindo" she starts talkin about how her and Paul have been caplin me all day yesterday which by the way is bullshit cause I was up since 11 and got no call except from you and fonz. So I tell her wat time did you call cuz I didn't get anything? And she's like "no mentira yo no te llame pero Paul me dijo que el te tuvo llamando" and people wonder why I lie so much. Take notes cuz the one behind it all is the one and only mireya a.k.a the teacher.


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